5 Ways To Use Edible Orchids


There are many flowers, plants, and herbs that are edible, and many of these flowers and plants are unique and not commonly found in most dishes. They can offer a variety of health benefits and they taste good, too. If you've never tried edible orchids, you may want to give them a try. You can find them at specialty food stores online and in person. Here are some of the ways in which you can use edible orchids: 

21 October 2019

3 Helpful Startup Tips When Selling Taffy Commercially


Taffy is one of the more popular types of candy eaten by people worldwide. If you're looking to turn this delicious treat into a potential business, then remember these startup tips.  Master Your Flavors  It will be hard to have success selling taffy if you haven't mastered the various flavors that you plan on offering to the public. You should spend time getting these flavors perfect before focusing on anything else, in fact.

10 July 2019

3 Reasons Ice Cream Cart Catering Is An Awesome Wedding Reception Idea


Planning a wedding is tough. You have so many things to do, so much to consider, and only so much money to work with. On top of everything, you also have to make sure the food that you serve everyone is going to please the guests you have on your list. Most couples to be will plan for traditional catering and probably a gorgeous wedding cake, but there is something else that works well for a wedding reception: ice cream cart catering.

16 February 2019